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“Occupied” Indy?

This story is cross-posted at our sister blog IndyPolitics.Org.

It’s not everyday that a mysterious, clandestine group makes plans to occupy Indianapolis, so when they do, it tends to get your attention. According to the website “Occupy Indianapolis” plans are being drawn up to “occupy” the city come Saturday, October 8.

This isn’t occupation in the German-Poland-Czechoslovakia kind of way as it is more like a Brooklyn Bridge sort of way, as what happened in New York City over the weekend where 700 people were arrested.

According to the website the plans are to create a “Human People Mover” where “a line of volunteers will target a building or group of buildings in which the 1% operate their businesses which have caused the current damage to our society.” The website goes on to say…

A single file line of as many people as possible will begin walking around the targeted building or buildings on the public sidewalks in as close proximity as possible to each other to form a moving barricade of constantly walking people. As long as we remain moving on the sidewalks we cannot be arrested. Remain standing in a group of 5 or more and they can take us to jail, but if we are each in motion and still together in a single file line it will disrupt regular foot traffic in the target area, making it difficult for the 1% and their minions to conduct their business.

The group also has a map and plans to start at Veteran’s Memorial Plaza and hit several buildings in the downtown area. The only thing that is somewhat unclear is that group plans to do this on a Saturday when most downtown offices are closed. I did put in a call to the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department. A spokeswoman was unfamiliar with the organization at first mention, but the department is looking into the matter.

I will be speaking with their organizer later today and will have the audio posted.