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I Hate to Say I Told You So…

But I told you so.   Once again, the proponents of a statewide smoking ban have become the poster children for the saying “we have met the enemy and he is us.”  After a decisive loss in the Indiana Senate Public Policy committee by an 8-1 vote Wednesday the Indiana Campaign for Smoke Free Air advocates say they will be back next year pushing for another total ban.

No offense guys, but you my want to try things a little differently next time.  For one thing you might want to try to be a little more reasonable, flexible and while you’re at it, try living in the real world.   I don’t where you actually came up with the idea that with the current ideological make-up of the Indiana General Assembly that you would be able to pass a smoking ban that included bars and taverns.

I know you might like to think that such a measure would pass, but it won’t.  In fact, the only reason that the measure got out of the Indiana House in the first place was with that exemption.  Do you really think that the bill would pass with that exemption taken out?  I know you guys don’t like tobacco, but if that’s the logic you’re using then obviously you’re smoking something else.

Look, being passionate about an issue is one thing, but you can’t let passion and emotion blind you to reality.  If you really want to make a difference, adopt the Marion County model; no smoking in places where you allow minors.  At that point, businesses, particularly restaurants will have to make a decision about whether they want to go smoke free.  For those that don’t go smoke free,  engage them one on one.  You may be surprised how many people you can convince if you put the zealotry on the shelf.

And even if people say no, get some smoke free matchboxes and lighters made advertising a number where people can quit.  Or here’s a thought, spend some money on advertising in the restrooms on the walls, you’ve got a captive audience.  And here’s another one, work with the bar and tavern owners to create a job board of places looking for help that are smoke free.  And put together a guide of all the smoke free establishments in various cities and towns and advertise it with the local media.

And most importantly, never attack the integrity of lawmakers; especially if you have to lobby them.  I spoke to a number of Democrats and Republicans who did not appreciate your attacks against Senator Ron Alting.  The quickest way to unite lawmakers is to go after one of their own.  And believe me, you have successfully done that.

There are a number of things smoke free advocates can do to reduce the number of people exposed to second hand smoke.   Frankly, all I want you people to do is stay away from my cigar bars and I’ll be more than happy to help you.  Remember fanaticism and extremism only work for suicide bombers and in the end, everything just ends up blowing up in their faces.