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How I Would Run IPS

I had someone contact me yesterday with what I thought was a legitimate criticism.  They asked me that if were in charge of Indianapolis Public Schools, what would I do to make them better, provided I had the same power as Dr. Eugene White.  I thought it was a fair question.  After all, if you’re going to throw bombs you better be ready to  do some building.  So I decided to spell out a few things I would do if I were Superintendent.

  1. Anything IPS is doing that has nothing to do with the direct education of children is getting outsourced or consolidated with another school district: cafeteria, janitorial, human resources, payroll, professional development, property care, etc.  The money we save goes back into classroom instruction.  I’m also going to unload any surplus property.
  2. I’m going to fire 1/2 the central office, including human resources.  They won’t be needed because power will be returned to the individual schools and principals would have control over hiring their staff.  And with the savings we put the resources back into the classroom.
  3. Unless there is some reason why they can’t,  all my high school students are getting IndyGo year-round bus passes. They can catch the bus to school and then also use it to get to work in the summer.
  4. Kiss the overall district budget good-bye.  I am eliminating it and giving each principal a budget for his/her school and virtual autonomy on how to run it.   We’ll spell out some general guidelines (I’ll use an independent board for purchasing and other related matters) and expectations, but after that, it’s their baby.  And they better get results.  Everyone will be held accountable.
  5. As far as teachers go, I’m putting together a kitchen cabinet with a member from every school to tell me what I NEED to know, not want to know.   And they will be involved in developing our evaluation models for student and teacher performance.  Their selection will be based on effectiveness and history of implementing classroom reform.
  6. I’m also going to create several charter schools from existing schools.  And if you want your child to attend, you have to sign an agreement that  you will make at least four (hour) visits to the school per year and participate in four activities.   And if I can pull it off,  I’m going to turn Northwest into a charter boarding school, where kids can be in a learning environment 24 hours a day.  If the parents won’t do their job, then we will.
  7. I’m going to the state and ask for virtually every waiver I can get; particularly for those students with special needs that justifiably impede their ability to take standardized tests.
  8. I’m going to partner with every church and institution of higher learning in the county to create an after-school mentoring and tutoring program.
  9. Every 7 years I am going to require teachers take a year-long paid sabbatical to recharge and refresh their skills.
  10. I’m going to apologize to the citizens of Indianapolis for not doing this sooner.

Granted the devil would be in the details, but I truly believe that empowering staff, returning power to individual schools and not hiding behind excuses are the way to go.  My goal would be to offer parents and kids the most awesome education they could get that every charter and private school would go out of business because everybody would be beating a path to my school doors.

I’m interested in your thoughts.