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Give This A Read

I received this e-mail from a friend a couple days ago.  I think it makes for interesting reading as well move forward with the debate on school reform.  I left their name out to protect their privacy.
Today, I received a call on my personal cell phone, from the teacher’s union presumably, from a young man who was very pleasant, asking if I was aware of the attempts at the State House to dismantle public education and harm teachers (I’m paraphrasing but that is the gist), etc.  He went on for some time and asked me if he could put me through to Representative Thompson’s office to express my opposition to the education measures.
I said I would like to be patched through, because as someone who has been a teacher, I fully support the reforms, think that they provide real opportunities for kids, provide many new opportunities in education, and are good for teachers as well (the pay for performance, and so forth).
He thanked me very much for my time and hung up of course without patching me through.  I was amazed to receive a call on my unpublished cell phone number from 200-200-2000, which I called back to see what would happen and received a recording that the number is out of service.
Anyway there must be a really deep effort to be reaching people to be able to get a hold of an unlisted cell phone number. Thought you would find it interesting as well.
I definitely do.