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Let’s Refresh, Shall We

Now that we’re a few days out from the Election, I think now would be the perfect time to take a step back, relax and provide most of you with a friendly reminder about what I do for a living.

I am a political commentator who gets paid to offer up his opinions.   My opinions are based on a couple factors.  The facts, which are usually the result of direct observation or engagement with the people and issues that I write about.   My opinions are also based on my political philosophy which can be best defined as a moderate conservative.  I’m big on fiscal conservatism, but on the social issues, as long as your private behavior isn’t costing me money, I frankly don’t care and don’t want to know.   If I want to see it or pay for it, I’ll look for your web address.  I am not a Libertarian, because I do believe a certain amount of government is a necessity.  There are times the government has to spend money when I wish it wouldn’t, but that’s a fact of life.

I am in the unique position of being someone who is an opinion writer, but uses traditional journalism techniques to gather information.  Yes, I do have an agenda.  That agenda usually includes promoting economic growth, quality education, personal freedom and law and order.  And I see the world through that filter.  Now I am not so narcissistic so as not to acknowledge other points of view.  If I did, I’d simply never take a phone call on the morning show and turn the comment section off on this blog and that would be the end of the discussion.

I also freely admit I am not a big fan of teachers unions nor do I care much for the limousine liberal mindset or the outdated black civil rights establishment.  I believe they have done more harm than good in this world over the last 40 years.  I know there are a number of you who accuse me of being a shill or mouthpiece for the Mayor or Governor.  That’s fine.   I’ve been called worse by my wife and that was after our first date.   I don’t shill for anyone; believe it or not I just happen to agree with most of the Mayor and Governor’s agenda.  There are a few things I’d do differently.  But why is anyone surprised that a moderate conservative would agree philosophically more with Republicans than Democrats, overall.

Now that doesn’t mean Democrats and liberals won’t get a fair shake.  Regardless of what I think of their positions on some issues, in order for the city and state to move forward, I believe a good healthy debate is always welcome.  And I have never turned away anyone from the airwaves or blog space because I differed with their opinion.  All I ask you to do is if you’re going to say “no” have an alternative or politely sit down and be quiet.

So as we go forward from here on out, please keep in mind what I’ve written and occasionally refer back to it.  And please, don’t be surprised if a moderate conservative advocates or supports a position that he believes is consistent with his beliefs and criticizes one that he doesn’t.   This isn’t rocket scientist, this political commentary.

Now let’s be careful out there.