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Statue of Limitations

We interrupt our daily political coverage to talk about something silly!

Let me see if I understand this.  The Black unemployment rate in Indianapolis is about 20 percent.   More than 1,600 students could not attend IPS schools because they didn’t have proof of shots.   Blacks are disproportionately more impacted by crime,  poverty and foreclosures.  And what do  people find time to complain about? A statue that hasn’t even been built yet.

The statue, commissioned by the Indianapolis Cultural Trail, would be an updated depiction of the freed slave on Monument Circle.   The complaining class said the proposed sculpture was offensive and something else should go up in its place.

If all these people have to worry about is a statue then rumors of the economy being in the dumps must be grossly exaggerated.  I have never heard such silliness in my entire life.   It would be one thing if we were talking about a giant lawn jockey or mammy, but we’re talking about an updated image of something that has been sitting on Monument Circle forever.

I am fully convinced that these are the same people who walk down the grocery store aisles complaining about why the white rice called enriched and the brown rice is called wild, or even better they complain about the white cake being called angel food cake and the black cake is called devil’s food cake.  They are the products of under-worked bodies and overworked imaginations.

Get a grip, people.