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Big Pimping

A group of local pastors and community leaders are calling on the Justice Department to investigate allegations of police brutality by IMPD against 15-year old Brandon Johnson.

The group is not saying it doesn’t trust IMPD’s internal investigation but says a third party is necessary to restore faith in the community.   The group also wore T-shirts with photos of Johnson’s injured face and had several youth there wearing the shirt as well.

Call me cynical, but while I have no problem with the group calling for the FBI to get involved, I do have an issue with pimping children for your cause.  Listen to this exchange as one of the teens was being interviewed by RTV 6’s Derrick Thomas.

pimpin the kids

Like I said, I have no problem with the FBI looking into the matter, but I get a little cynical when you start pimping kids to make your point.

By the way, IMPD says it will gladly turn over its finding to the Justice Department once its investigation is complete.