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Special Ed

Just when you thought you had all the information you needed on something, more good gossip comes along.  This time it involves Libertarian City-County Council member Ed Coleman.

Coleman apparently was part of the attempted coup Monday night to defeat Ryan Vaughn as Council President.  What’s funny about that is I discovered that Republicans were ready to start out the new year by making peace with Ed, who left last February, by offering him some committee assignments and allow him into their caucus.

That all went south when Ed not only participated in the coup, but also reportedly bragged about it to several other Councilors about what was going to happen that night.   What happened that night is that Ryan got elected President and the coup went south.

Once the Republicans found about it they rescinded their offer.  As one put it to me yesterday, “He’s a member of a minority party so let the minority give him a committee assignment.”    Joanne Sanders has told me in the past that Ed is not a member of her caucus so any committee assignment is out of the question.

Although I like Ed personally, this is about the most politically stupid thing I’ve ever seen him do.  He had the perfect opportunity to have more influence and craft policy if he would have just kept his mouth shut.  Instead, he’s back to square one, which is having nothing.

And on a sidebar, Monday night’s attempted divide and conquer really only brought more unity to the Council Republicans as they’ve had some come to Jesus meetings with some members who felt they were being ignored and are taking steps to rectify that situation.

2010 should be an interesting year.