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Monday Morning Musings

Here are my thoughts for the morning…

Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels was featured Friday night on 20/20 about the leasing of the Indiana Toll Road.  It’s a pretty good interview.  Opponents of privatization still don’t make a valid argument about why it was a bad idea.

Lawrence Township Trustee Mike Hobbs says he is definitely open to talk fire consolidation with the City of Indianapolis.  One sticking point has been the promotions of several Township fire fighters and how that would fit into the organization of IFD.  Hobbes says that issue can be worked out.  He says he’s just waiting for the City to come in have discussions.

Rumor has it Marion County Libertarians my try to offer up some rule changes to the City-County Council in the future to get more recognition for Council Member Ed Coleman.  Currently the rules only allow for majority and minority party organization, not third party.  Because of that Coleman lost his committee appointments, which had libertarians crying foul.

Speaking of foul play, the Smoke Free Indy crowd is at it again.  First it was calling bars and taverns they knew allowed smoking and pretending to be patrons.  They would ask if the bar was smoking and then tell the owner that they would not patronize the establishment.  Now Smoke Free Indy is going into bars and trying to “convince” employees  that they don’t want to work in a place that allows smoking.  I didn’t know employees could dictate workplace policy to employers.  But then again this is also the same group that did some “surveillance” over the weekend at an anti-smoking ban pub crawl.