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The Great Debate, Part Deux

I’m teaching class tonight so I won’t be watching the gubernatorial debate as it happens, but luckily God invented the DVR so Mitch, Jill and Andy will be sandwiched somewhere between my Justice League Unlimited and Reno 911.

As far as the candidates go, here’s what I’ll be looking for.

Mitch Daniels

  • I don’t expect him to make any major errors, but I will be watching to see if he goes after JLT in respectful, but firm manner.


  • This is her last best hope to get some traction.  I expect her go after Daniels, but since this is a town hall format, she can’t come across as too shrill.  She also needs to add some details as to how she will turn Indiana around.

Andy Horning

  • He’s a great public speaker, but you can’t keep talking about the Constitution unless you cite specifics for regular people so what you say doesn’t sound like something out of history class.

Tomorrow, the candidates get their grades.