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As expected, reaction to the Governor’s State of the State depended on your political persuasion…

House Speaker Pat Bauer – “Now that the governor and his Republican colleagues in the Indiana House have seen the error of their ways and decided that they need to cut property taxes rather than increase them, the 2008 session of the Indiana General Assembly can move toward actual reform … For Indiana House Democrats, that means making sure that the property tax relief goes to those who need it the most: Hoosier families who have seen their property tax bills go through the roof. With the state’s economy going downhill and jobs disappearing, we need to move more urgently toward giving relief. … the governor’s plan does provide a starting point for debate on realistic property tax relief. We also can look to the recommendations made by the bipartisan Commission on State Tax and Financing Policy, which studied the topic extensively over the summer. We can use these ideas as the framework for a final package that provides broad-based relief …There is always the risk that partisan politics will derail real reform. Now that the speech is over, the hard work begins for the governor, who must keep members of his own party focused on a plan that is practical and doesn’t end up hurting more Hoosiers than it helps…It can be done. I sense a commitment from many lawmakers, and the need for action is too great to ignore.”

Senate Pro Tempore David Long“We are committed to substantially cutting property taxes, capping them and letting the citizens vote on Constitutional safeguards for taxpayers.  We will move swiftly to reduce the cost of local government and fix the broken assessment system. At the same time, we will continue discussing and debating ways of eliminating property taxes on homes now or in the future.”

Murray Clark, State GOP Chairman – “Governor Daniels has shown us once again why Indiana’s future is as bright as ever. He recognizes the challenges facing Hoosier taxpayers and is working hard to put a fair and permanent plan together. He has initiated a bi-partisan approach to government reform and is dedicated to producing long-lasting results this legislative session. We should all look forward to a great 2008 and another four years of his leadership in the Statehouse.”

Jim Schellinger, Democratic Candidate for Governor – “Three years ago, Mitch Daniels promised a change of direction. And, indeed, things have gone a different way under Governor Daniels’ stewardship. Just not the direction most Hoosiers had hoped we’d go. Our property tax crisis desperately calls for a consensus-builder’s commitment to problem-solving. Because in 2005, Governor Daniels made our property tax crisis worse by severely limiting property tax relief. Now, homeowners need that relief more than ever, but Daniels proposes hitting working Hoosiers with more sales and income tax increases. Indiana deserves a leader who shares our values and sense of optimism for our state. We need a fresh start with a leader who will listen to the people of our state and build consensus to solve the challenges we face today.”

Rep. Bob Cherry (R-Greenfield) – “We need to give Gov. Daniels credit for being bold and giving us a great starting place with his plan and providing us with leadership during this period. It is time for relief and long-lasting reform when it comes to the issue of property taxes. Indiana has had major problems with property taxes in the past, and we need to create a more equitable system. While his plan might not be the end product, it is a great place to begin.”