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The Indianapolis City-County Council’s Finance Committee is meeting on the budget tonight to see how city departments are doing in heeding the Mayor’s call for cuts. I’ve been watching the budget hearings on Channel 16 and listening to all the different department heads, so if the Committee doesn’t mind I’d like to offer a little assistance.

The Mayor’s Office is making progress in cutting $50 million in the property tax levy, however most of that was going to happen anyway. The $35 million child welfare levy was going to be paid off this year and another $7-$8 million will be reduced over a settlement with United Airlines. So at the very least approximately $43 million in property taxes will be reduced because it was going to happen anyway. But since “Hizzoner” would get the blame if things went south, so in this case he gets the credit.

Things aren’t as great over at the Library. When asked to cut about $180,000 out the Library budget, Library board President Louis Mahern made excuse (debt service) after excuse (self-insurance fund) after excuse (cutting library hours). I think it’s odd with millions in spending, the Library can’t find $180,000 to cut. But these are also the same people who said the Library was a “bargain” for the taxpayers.

Another thing the Committee may want to check is double billing. A number of city agencies have “cut” their budgets by eliminating inter-agency purchases and marking those down as cuts. In other words, if an agency needs a car they get one from public works. Public works tells them the use of the car isn’t coming out of its budget so it sends the agency a bill for the use of the car. In the new budget scenario, the agency decides it doesn’t need the car, so it doesn’t get billed and it counts that as a budget cut. And since public works isn’t leasing the car, it also counts that as a budget cut. So both agencies are taking credit for the budget cut, even though only one is really reducing spending. If the committee really wants to do its job, it will get a grasp on the double billing and how much in budget “savings” is taking place due to this practice and go for some truth in accounting.

The Committee should also take a look at the city’s website and see how many agencies are still advertising for personnel in non-public safety areas. I thought there was a hiring freeze going on. Those are just a few suggestions for the Finance Committee tonight. If they have any other questions, I’ll be more than happy to offer up more recommendations on how to save the taxpayers money.