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I think I’ve hit a nerve lately with some of the more hardcore partisans in this town. I know this because the “drive by” posts and hate e-mails have started showing up again.

They will attack me personally, but never challenge me on the issues at hand. They will attack my radio show, not knowing how ratings work. They will attack my friendship with Marion County GOP Chairman Tom John and my affiliation with his firm John, Lewis and Wilkins which anybody with half a brain knows has been the worst kept secret in this town for more than a year. They will call me a carpetbagger because I still have a home in Illinois, not knowing I am fortunate enough to have enough income to maintain two places in two different states. I have also been called the n-word and even had my sexual orientation questioned. Although I embrace my metrosexuality with manicured hands and open arms.

I’m a big boy so the attacks don’t get to me, but I do find two things disturbing. First, I would feel better if the detractors and drive-by posters would just debate the issue at hand. If they want to disagree, fine. I accept other points of view but come after me on the merits of the discussion.

Second, I could be like some bloggers, screen the posts and only let in the ones I agree with, but that defeats the purpose of the free flow of debate and exchange of ideas. But if you must go for the personal attack, at least have the attached manhood to sign your name. At least that way everyone can know you are devoid of any true synaptic activity.