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Who’s Not to Blame?

There will be a lot a questions asked about the Virginia Tech Shooting. What caused a 23-year old college student to kill more than 30 of his classmates? Why did the University wait two hours from the initial shooting to notify the students? Why did no one take more action when accused killer Cho Seung-Hui wrote disturbing pieces that had some of his teachers recommend he seek counseling? Was he on medication? Did he stalk some of the college women as some of his ex-roomates allege? All questions that will be answered over time.

But two questions I can give you an answer to now is “no.” Were guns to blame or was the media to blame? Once again, no. Liberal will blame guns. Conservatives will blame the media. Neither is responsible. It was Seung-Hui who purchased the weapon. It was Seung-Hui who was disturbed. It was Seung-Hui who pulled the trigger and killed 31 people and wounded more than a dozen others.

Don’t blame the guns. Don’t blame the media. Blame the person who commmitted the act. Blame Seung-Hui.