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Weekend Political Maneuvers

Democratic Walkout? — I was also told over the weekend that House Democrats would likely caucus for a good chunk of the day on Monday, pushing things to the wire a bit more as we reach the Tuesday adjournment deadline. Stay tuned.

Womacks v. Peterson — Expect an announcement Monday from Marion County Auditor Marty Womacks involving possible litigation with the Mayor’s Office. You may recall last year Womacks threatened to sue the Mayor over alleged violations of state law that requires the auditor’s signature on purchases. Womacks and her attorney David Brooks have alleged in the past the Mayor’s Office has been stamping documents with her signature, but without her permission. I would not be surprised if a lawsuit is finally filed in this case.

Another Endorsement for Felix — Hamilton County Prosecutor Candidate Paul Felix recently received the endorsement of the Noblesville Fraternal Order of Police. This is Paul’s second endorsement by police. The Carmel FOP endorsed him in November 2005.