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Archive for March, 2012

The Most Dangerous Jobs in America

Sunday, March 4th, 2012

I recently did an Internet search of the most dangerous jobs in America.  Here’s what I came back with according to the Bureau of labor Statistics. Commercial fisherman. Logging workers. Aircraft pilots and flight engineers. Farmers and ranchers. Coal mining. Roofers. Refuse and recyclable material collectors. Truck Drivers. Police and Sheriff patrol officers. Electrical power-line […]

The Last Seven Days of Session

Thursday, March 1st, 2012

Indiana House Speaker Brian Bosma admits that while the Indiana General Assembly  has had to deal with some “side issues” he tells the Statehouse press corps he is generally pleased with what lawmakers have done and thinks they can workout their remaining issues like the smoking ban and a Hoosier’s right to resist an unlawful […]

More Lugar v. Mourdock

Thursday, March 1st, 2012

U.S. Senator Richard Lugar goes on the offensive against primary challenger State Treasurer Richard Mourdock.  In a new television ad Lugar attacks Mourdock’s  attendance record at state boards and commissions on which he serves.  The Mourdock campaign called the ad misleading and a smear tactic .