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Foreclosed Is Forewarned

Word is the local branch of the NAACP is filing a federal lawsuit against the Marion County Board of Elections seeking a declaratory judgment that no citizen will be denied the right to vote if their home has been foreclosed and they have been forced to move.

Of course there has been no evidence of anyone in Marion County being denied the right to vote because of foreclosure.  Actually, under Indiana law unless you move out of your Congressional District you can still vote at your old address.  

Rumor also has it Democrats are going to try to accuse Republicans of using the small claims courts to force evictions on residents so they can be disenfranchised.

I find it interesting that the NAACP is filing a lawsuit over something that has not occurred, nor has there ever been a recorded victim.  Meanwhile, back in May 2007 the organization did nothing to protect or restore the voting rights of at least 3300 citizens whose voting rights were disenfranchised because their polling places never opened.

I just can’t figure out for the life of me why the NAACP is pretending to be relevant now when they never have been in the past.  (Insert sarcastic laughter here!)  Of course these are some of the same people who sued over Voter ID and couldn’t prove anyone had been disenfranchised.

So I guess their legal strategy is that as long as there is no proof of disenfranchisement, a lawsuit is in order.  Go figure.