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Me, A Liberal? Seriously?!

I have been called a lot of not so pleasant names in my 40-something years of living on this planet, and most of them were true.   However, whenever I get called a “liberal” I have to take a little bit of an issue.

In the wake of recent legal decisions, my position on same-sex marriage has gotten some folks rather worked up. Usually these are people who spend a rather unhealthy amount of time obsessing over other people’s sex lives as opposed to going out and having one of their own.  I’ve always said if you don’t like gay marriage, don’t marry someone who’s gay.

I’ve always  considered myself more fiscally conservative and socially libertarian.  I support vouchers and school choice, as well as right to work, reducing welfare and reforming entitlements.  I think the income tax should be replaced by a consumption tax.  However when it comes to people’s private parts, I believe they are just that, private.

In a nutshell if the issue doesn’t cost me money or infringe on my personal freedom or property, I have a hard time getting worked up over it.   Same-sex marriage falls into that category.  I just don’t see how two individuals who have given their informed consent to be in a lifelong relationship and legally assume responsibility for each other is a bad thing.

And please spare me the “what about the children”?   I can make an argument that on average that people who can’t have children on their own sometimes make better parents than ones who can since they have to jump through more hoops to get them and they can’t just go hook up in a bar one night and then leave us taxpayers with the bill for the next 18 years.

And while we’re leaving the ridiculous argument about can someone marry their horse?  That was an episode of Jerry Springer.

I could go on all day about this, but I have more important things to do.  But in a nutshell, there is nothing “liberal” about supporting or not opposing same-sex marriage. If anything folks who label themselves as conservatives should celebrate consenting adults exercising their personal liberty and freedom and agreeing to take responsibility for each other.  Would you rather the government do it?

Now I have to go buy some flowers for my wife because that’s the only marriage I get excited over.