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“Don’t Pay Them No ‘Tention”

I decided to title this blog post after a phrase my grandmother used to use when dealing with silly people who would do nothing but waste her, and other people’s, valuable time.    Hopefully Mayor Greg Ballard will take my grandmother’s advice when dealing with some so-called “civil rights” leaders here in Indianapolis who want a say in who the next Public Safety Director should be.

They have penned a letter to the Mayor asking to be included in any community discussion and decision on who will replace Dr. Frank Straub when he steps down later this summer.  A full copy of the letter is available on the Indy Star’s Deep Fried Politics Blog.

I won’t reprint it because I won’t waste valuable server space on this one. But if you look at a list of the groups who signed the letter, these aren’t “civil rights” leaders this is the dark wing of the Marion County Democratic Party.   This list also includes some of the  same people who called the Mayor a racist in the last campaign and brought Al Sharpton here to breathe other people’s valuable air.

They haven’t  done one thing to improve the economic environment in Indianapolis.  They fought school choice and vouchers which would have helped get black children out of failing schools.  They marched for Trayvon Martin, but are nowhere to be found when a young black male is a murder victim.   In fact, as I really think about some of the people included in these organizations, my grandfather would likely call them some of the most “lazy, shiftless and useless colored people”  that ever shucked and jived on the face of the planet. Yeah, I said it.

So Mr. Mayor, pay them no mind.  You already working with a real group of Black leaders in this town that produce jobs, want to improve education, and actually show up when a Black youth has been murdered.  Keep doing what you’re doing.   Dealing with these groups will just make you think of that that United Negro College Fund slogan, “a mind is a terrible thing to waste.”