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Archive for February, 2012

Put That In Your Pipe And Smoke It

Tuesday, February 14th, 2012

I was going to write something snarky about Monday night’s failed override of the smoking ban veto, but my parents told me to never speak ill of the dead, so I won’t.

Three Steps To Avoiding Secondhand Smoke

Monday, February 13th, 2012

With the chances of the Indianapolis City-County Council tonight overriding Mayor Greg Ballard’s veto of the recently passed smoking ban about as likely as me becoming the grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, I’ve decided to offer up three quick steps into helping individuals who worry about going out to a bar, tavern or […]

Time for Unions to Get Right to Work

Sunday, February 12th, 2012

The Associated Press is reporting this morning that Indiana Unions are making a desperate bid in shops and labor halls across the state to keep their members from bolting.  I say, good, and I wish them luck. This stems from the passage of “right to work” which now makes it illegal  for an employer to […]

The Smokin’ Super Bowl

Friday, February 10th, 2012

With Indianapolis mayor Greg Ballard expected to veto the current smoking ban passed by the City-County Council, I argue in my monthly column in today’s Indianapolis Star, that the recent success of the recent Super Bowl clearly demonstrates there is no need to expand the ban.  I’d be happy to hear your thoughts.

Secretary of State Mike Wherry?

Thursday, February 9th, 2012

Could Libertarian Mike Wherry actually be Indiana’s Secretary of State?  Maybe, it’s not as farfetched as you might think.  There is speculation starting to percolate that if the Indiana Supreme Court finds that Charlie White was ineligible to be Secretary of State then that job could go to Libertarian Mike Wherry, who was also on […]

A Most Crowded 5th District

Wednesday, February 8th, 2012

The race for Indiana’s 5th Congressional District could be a lot more crowded come Friday. With incumbent Dan Burton not running for re-election and former U.S. Attorney Susan Brooks, former Congressman David McIntosh, former Marion County Coroner John McGoff and Fishers Attorney Jack Lugar in the race you would think there was no more room […]

Super Bowl Winners & Losers 2.0

Tuesday, February 7th, 2012

My good friend Jon Easter has posted at his blog, Indy Democrat,  a list of his Super Bowl 2012 ‘Winners and Losers.”  For the most part, I think Jon gets his list right.  The city of Indianapolis and the Mannings are obvious winners, while New England is the obvious loser.  However my Internet counterpart misses […]

Super Bowl Spot or Political Message?

Monday, February 6th, 2012

Us political types are all talking about this ad that ran during the Super Bowl. Some say it’s just a well-done ad promoting the auto industry others say it’s a subtle, or not-so-subtle, political endorsement of the Obama administration. I figured I would put it up here and let you make the call.

It’s Official, You Live in a Super City!!!

Sunday, February 5th, 2012

Not that you needed me to write or tell you about this, but Indianapolis is officially a Super City.  City leaders and volunteers pulled off a pretty darn near perfect execution of Super Bowl 46 and hopefully by doing so, Indianapolis has clearly demonstrated it can compete and do just as well, if not better, […]

White Guilty of Voter Fraud

Saturday, February 4th, 2012

A Hamilton County jury has found Indiana Secretary of State Charlie White guilty of voter fraud.  Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels has appointed long time Secretary of State employee Jerry Bonnet to the position temporarily, he has currently been acting as Chief Deputy. According to the Indianapolis Star, White was found guilty on six of the […]