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Words and Phrases from the 2008 Election That I Never Want to Hear Again

  1. Maverick
  2. Main Street
  3. Wall Street
  4. Change
  5. Hope
  6. Socialism
  7. My Friends
  8. Farm
  9. MBA and/or Ph D
  10. Joe the Plumber
  11. Joe Six-pack
  12. First Dude
  13. You Betcha’
  14. Lipstick on Pig
  15. Throw ______ under the bus.
  16. Hockey Mom
  17. Real American
  18. ACORN
  19. Country First
  20. Four more years
  21. The Bradley Effect
  22. Rallying the Base
  23. Indiana’s Election Headquarters
  24. October Surprise
  25. Pallin’ around with Terrorists
  26. Swing State
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