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I have never been a big Indiana Pacers fan and I would assume not a lot people in this town are now either.  My interest has always been passive at best, but now with the latest news that a murder suspect was arrested after leaving the home of Shawne Williams, it is the last nail in the coffin.  This follows news earlier this week that a sexual assault occurred at the home of Marquis Daniels.

To be fair, neither player is accused of committing a crime, but they are guilty of bad judgment.  I would suspect that both Williams and Daniels have made the mistake that is not uncommon amongst some black athletes.  They have a talent that gets them out of the hood, but they make the mistake of taking the hood with them.  Someone who was getting in trouble at 30th and Post Road will probably still be getting in trouble when you move to Hendricks County, so perhaps it’s best to leave them where they are.

For some reason there is this belief that if you are black and become successful you have some duty or obligation to bring every Tyrone and Teniesha along with you.  That is most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.  People who tend to get in trouble when they are poor also tend to get in trouble when they come into contact with wealth, only the trouble is more expensive.  And individuals like Williams and Daniels would probably do well to leave the hood where it belongs.

It’s days like this I thank God the only hood I know is on the back of my Land’s End jacket.